The days have been extra dark feeling lately because we've had fog. Fog: down to the deck, can't see more than 100' in front of you, you know there's blue sky above, but it's thick and dark outside kind of fog. Really eerie at night, when Emily has to shine her light on us to be sure we're where she should be. Last night she fed us just after darkness fell, and it was very quiet and muffly outside as well as difficult to see very far. Emily thought she knew where she was in the big field, but she underestimated and she was two fence sections away from the gate when she was finished feeding us! She looked surprised, but just re-aimed her headlamp and went on to feed the others.
With the darkness of fog it is difficult to tell that the days are, indeed, getting longer! The sunrise is a few minutes before 7:47 a.m., and sunset is at 4:54, so it is dark for 14 hours each 24-hour day.
However.... as evidenced by the photo above, I am beginning to shed! What?! Yes, the days are getting longer, so my coat is starting to loosen and itch and I rubbed on the fences the last two nights. That's why there is fur in the fence! The daffodil and tulip bulbs have sprouted also, so I'm not the only one thinking that Spring and longer days are in the not too distant future! What do you see around you that makes you know Spring will be here in two months??!