Saturday, February 14, 2009

Brentina's Doing Well after Colic Surgery

Brentina, ridden by Debbie McDonald (see blog entry below) had colic surgery on February 10th. Always a high risk, colic surgery involves full anesthesia, days of i.v. meds and fluids, and careful monitoring. Brentina is doing well as of a report on Hooray!! McDonald put out a heartfelt request for positive thoughts and prayers for her amazing dressage partner, "Mama," and the beautiful chestnut Hanoverian mare is looking good!

We're really lucky at Fish Bowl to have only had a few mild colics. There was one very serious colic requiring surgery on a horse who arrived here to board, and within a few hours was in distress. She was also a chestnut mare, a thoroughbred, and she was whisked away to Pilchuk Animal Hospital in Snohomish where she had colic surgery. That horse recovered at Pilchuk for about a week and then returned to Fish Bowl where she fully recovered and was back to being ridden in a few months.

Braeburn, the biggest horse in the Fish Bowl at 17.2, had colic surgery a few years ago before we met him. He was on his way to a big hunter-jumper show in Bend, Oregon, and coliced in transit from the Seattle area. His smart handlers recognized the signs of colic and got him to a veterinary surgery. He recovered well and is a "whole" healthy horse. Knock on wood.

All these horses are chestnuts! Yikes! I think it's just a coincidence, but really!

(photo of Brentina and D. McDonald courtesy of Equisearch; original website linked above)

Emily adds: my thoroughbred mare, Naughty, was a chestnut and she didn't colic in the five years I had her!!

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